Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Lost In New York, parts 4672 - 4675

 4672. Donna, the hostess who was sitting next to him, did not know what to do with him. It was four in the morning; it was her job to attend to the needs of the travelers, always with a special eye to their fears.

  4673. She knew that Coromo had been scared to death, and so she wanted to comfort him a little. She held back for this simple reason, her desire to comfort him was a little too intense. Since she felt this urge so strongly, she did not put her hand on his shoulder, which is the thing she most wanted to do at that moment.

 4674. Coromo considered his situation to be preposterous. He was crying like a child, and yet was aware that it was also some kind of a performance he was putting on for his audience of one person. 

 4675. Although his crying was a performance, at the same time it was genuine, and he maintained the intensity of his grief by remembering, one after another, all the tragic things that had happened to him in his life, not least of which was his rejection by that third sister.

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