Thursday, January 23, 2014

Faldoni, parts 2696 - 2699

  2696. This alteration in the method of painting the borders was not noticed by the other artists at first. Whatever Faldoni was doing was so unimportant in the scheme of things that no matter what he was occupied with would not have been noticed. But at a certain point, after he had finished painting about two-thirds of his border for the third day somebody, I forget who it was, called attention to the method Faldoni was using.

2697. As soon as it was noticed, not a word had to be said for everyone to realize that the new method Faldoni had invented would make their projects go much faster and with a lot less mistakes and confusion. It was one of those situations where the utility of the idea was so good and so novel that it was immediately taken up and used in all of the surfaces of the paintings, so that all of the red sections were painted at once, and all the various blue sections painted together.

2698. So universal and important was this change of procedure that it was soon given a name. When an artist painted all of the sections of one color at the same time he was said to “faldoni” the painting. And the procedure itself was called “faldoning.”


 2699. At the time the importance of this change of procedure was not realized. It was thought that it only applied to the painting of pictures. But very soon the method, which by now you must realize is the beginning and cornerstone of mass production, was adopted for everything from the making of shoes to the tailoring of garments.

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