Saturday, May 18, 2013

Otis The king, parts 1599- 1602

1599. The border guards let us pass without objection and with no further questions but in exactly the same way they might have let a gaggle of geese cross the road on the way to a stream. The geese might be crossing the road to get to have a drink of water at the stream, and tonight they could all be roasting on a spit, I am sure that is how they saw out pointless endeavor.

1560. When the General was informed about our visit we were ushered directly into his tent. He listened sympathetically to all that my father had to say. He seemed interested in the fate of my Mother, and appeared to be curious about the question of if he might possibly be my father.

1601. A shade of sympathy crossed his face at the suggestion that he might take an active interest in my fate, and perhaps make it possible for me to get an education. When my Father finished with his explanations the General said, “So then, you are farmers.” “Yes,” said my father. “And how long have you been engaged in this farming business,” asked the General.” “More than three generations I believe, that’s as far back as anyone cares to remember,” answered my father.

1602. “Splendid, this is just the thing I need,” said the General. He said nothing at all about my Mother. He sent my father home promising to undertake a complete course of education for me working from the ground up. He put me to work in the kitchen: the kitchen of his army, it was a field kitchen. I was put in charge of the entire operation. So began my new life. 

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