Sunday, November 25, 2012

Rose VanDusenberg, parts 898 - 901

898. Rose did not attempt to answer that unasked question but feeling the need to offer something by way of explanation she said, "It seems that when prints are put up in mental hospitals the staff thinks that pictures by a psychotic who never sold any paintings, cut off his ear and shot himself in the chest is the sort of thing that will inspire the patients to try to do something creative.

899. The reason that Rose had opinions about interior decoration was because that was her profession. It was not that she went to college or had a degree in the field, but just like so many creative occupations it came about by accident.

900. Rose was married to a very rich man who made a living buying and selling space in trans-continental shipping containers. You shouldn't jump to the conclusion that anyone selling space in shipping containers is bound to get rich; Rose's husband could give you the names of several people he knew that lost their shirts and their pants buying and selling empty space; shirts and pants hanging in his closet in a manner or speaking.

901. One of the reasons Rose's husband was so successful at selling empty space is because he had inhaled the skill from his father's cigar smoke when only a child. His father made his living buying and selling abandoned lots in Yonkers, and was still a busy man of business well into his eighties.

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