Monday, July 16, 2012

Chapter 9, Rejection And Abandonment, parts 368 - 371

Richard Britell July 15, 2012

368. Finally the situation was explained to her. Sarah gave a classmate a ride home after school, and in the conversation Nani found out that Sarah was moving back to America at the end of June.

369. That Sarah was leaving France actually did not upset the 2CV at first, because it never crossed her mind that she would be left behind. She was aware that Americans would sometimes abandon a dog or a cat, but she was a car, not a useless animal.

370. Nani's confidence in Sarah's devotion to her was absolute. Her owner practically knew the repair manual by heart. Just a week ago the transmission would not shift into reverse; the garage said a new transmission was needed, Sarah knew it was just the linkage that needed to be tightened. Owners like that do not abandon a car like her, they might abandon a Renault on occasion but never a 2CV.

371. No, Nani did not anticipate abandonment, but she was worried about what life was going to be like in America?  She had never heard a single good thing about the place and its huge arrogant, pushy, vain, idiotically designed, automobiles. Nani was very prejudiced against America and its cars.  A Mustang for example, what would she do if she got parked near one.  

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